Spamalot - Update

Here is the last sneak peek at our brand new wardrobe for Spamalot!
We've had so much fun creating this stunning wardrobe and cannot wait to see it on stage soon!
This sneak peek is of our 'French Taunter' - we currently have three of these cheeky chaps, but more can be added if you have a larger chorus.
The Spamalot wardrobe has now left us, hired by Leyland Methodist Music & Drama Group. This company has been a real joy to work with, and has an incredible production team: from the keen eye and creative ideas of director Paul Duckworth, to the absolute brilliance of set/props designer/maker/creator John Hutchinson.
Everyone at Charades can't wait to see the fruits of all your hard work, and hope to work with you all again very soon!
Please support this fantastic company, I'm sure we won't be disappointed! I have attached their publicity material below, or visit their website